Loretta LaRoche

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Acclaimed Stress Expert, Humourist, Author, PBS Star

Once you see and hear Loretta you will never forget her! Those words may be an Understatement.

Rockland Trust Company


Loretta is an international stress management and humor consultant whose wit, and irreverent humor, has, for over 30 years raised the humor potential in all of us. She is on the Mass General advisory council for anxiety and depression and was recently awarded the National Humor Treasure Award. Loretta writes a weekly newspaper column called, 'Get a Life'. She is also featured as a stress management expert on www.LLuminari.com, a community wellness website, and www.Eons.com, a website celebrating life on the flipside of age 50.

Loretta is founder and president of The Humor Potential, Inc, a company offering programs and products for life style management. Her special brand of optimistic psychology has an incontestable positive effect on the health of all that are exposed to her. Organizations worldwide use Loretta's prescription for laughter to manage stress in the workplace and improve morale.

Loretta's energetic meeting openings, trainings and keynotes serve to improve learning skills and put a room in an enthusiastic frame of mind. Clients such as IBM, The New York Times, Fidelity Investments, Microsoft, the U.S. Dept. of Labor, and NASA, just to name a few, have used her material to defeat stress in the workplace. She is also a well-recognized TV personality on PBS and best selling author. She has had six one-woman television specials air on 80 PBS stations across the country. She has been nominated for local and prime time Emmy Awards, has appeared on CNN, ABC and NBC affiliates. She has authored 7 books, The Joy Journal, Happy Talk, Relax: You May Only Have a Few Minutes Left, Life is Not a Stress Rehearsal and, Life Is Short- Wear Your Party Pants, Squeeze the Day and her latest book Kick Up Heels Before You're Too Short to Wear. Her most recent book, Lighten Up... was published in 2009. They are now available in a store near you.

Presentations Include:

Kick Up Your Heels Before: You're Too Short to Wear Them

With her trademark humor and practical wisdom, Loretta LaRoche shows you how to live a long, healthy, and juicy life by mastering your body and mind—before you lose them! This event is filled with useful advice, spirituality, and (of course) loads of laughter. Live a life centered on learning, loving, and laughing. Create soul-stretching attitudes and trade old behaviors for bold behaviors—adding years to your life and “juice” to your years! Loretta provides an evening of exploration, creativity and fun. Come prepared to see a show filled with fun and discover the possibilities of a more powerful you. You’ll leave revitalized, inspired, and with renewed passion for living a juicy life!

How to Prevent Hardening of the Attitude (Reducing Stress in the Workplace)

Our work literally takes up most of our lives. Therefore, it would make sense for us to choose to enjoy it. Find out how to look forward to Monday instead of enduring until Friday! Discover how thoughts, feelings, and behaviors can affect work performance, relationships and our own selfworth.

Life Is Short-Wear Your Party Pants
(10 Simple Truths That Lead To An Amazing Life)

Loretta will give you the tools you need to not only reduce feelings of tension, but also bring joy, passion and gusto to your life She gives you dozens of proven techniques for recognizing the ten simple truths that will lead you to an intense, happy successful life: resilience, living in the moment, optimism, acceptance, humor, creativity, moderation, responsibility, meaning and connection. As Loretta says; ”Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift- that’s why they call it the present.”

The Joy of Stress (Finding the Bless in this Mess)

Join Loretta in discovering that “stressed spelled backwards is desserts.” Explore the possibilities that can help us use stress as an ally rather than the enemy. Learn to become more resilient, creative and joyful.

Life Is Not A Stress Rehearsal
(Bringing Yesterday’s Sane Lifestyle Into Today’s Insane World) 

For most of us life has become a pressure cooker of unrealistic expectations, information overload, relentless marketing and workaholism that we spend our days stressed out over being stressed out. Loretta makes us see the wisdom of a more civilized time when no one carried a cell phone during a peaceful walk on the beach. With her contemporary wit and a hearty dose of old-world wisdom, Loretta brings a breath of fresh air for everyone who’s suffocating in our techno crazed, germ-phobic, “go-go-go” world.

Authentic Happiness: It Takes Courage to be Happy

One of the most self-defeating concepts in the modern world is the pursuit of happiness. Not because it is not without merit. Since we all know that feeling good far outweighs feeling bad. It is "how" we go about it that has helped create the epidemic of self-entitlement, depression, lack of humor, and outbursts of anger that permeate the culture. We cannot buy, or demand happiness. Loretta LaRoche, a pioneer in the field of stress management using humor as a coping mechanism, now brings you her newest work..."It takes Courage to be Happy"... She brings newly discovered life-transforming answers to how we can change our lives, mentally, physically, and spiritually through a series of groundbreaking information and exercises that show the connection between happiness and human behavior...


  • 1. Discover how to reduce self-chatter - When unnecessary self-chatter subsides, you will become calmer, more attentive and content.

  • 2. Explore how to increase positive emotions in your life to counter depression and stress.

  • 3. Become empowered by learning how to be authentically happy, which in turn creates a more prosperous life, better relationships, and a longer healthier life.



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