Laurie Skreslet

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First Canadian to Reach the Summit of Mount Everest

"He was absolutely outstanding - clearly someone who not only has worked to achieve the exceptional in his own life but also has the linguistic skill and ability to communicate that philosophy to his audience."

Laura Fruci, Canada Life


On October 5th, 1982, Laurie Skreslet became the first Canadian to summit Mount Everest. 

Since then, Laurie has recognized the parallel between climbing the mountain and the challenges people face daily in the business community. By sharing these similarities with 2000 organizations, Laurie has become an expert motivational speaker and touched the lives of more than 500,000 people. 

But Laurie hasn't retired from climbing. Over the years he has participated in more than 30 world-class expeditions into the Canadian Rockies, Nepal, South America and India. And Laurie continues to operate his Business Leadership and Challenge Courses in the Canadian Rockies.

Laurie has written a bestselling book "To the Top of Everest". It was nominated in two categories, the Children's Choice Award and the Canadian Book of the Year for Children Award in 2004. 

2007 marks the 25th Anniversary of Laurie’s successful summit of Mount Everest. To celebrate this achievement, CBC-TV has commissioned the production of a two-part television drama, recreating the events of the climb. It will be entitled "The First Canadian to Climb Mount Everest Expedition". The 2nd part of this drama will be filmed in June 2006 on Mount Everest. The production is expected to air in November of 2006.

Presentations Include:

Laurie's presentation describes the teamwork and organization that goes into a trip of this magnitude. The mental preparation of people facing difficult times and demanding goals, the value of giving your personal best, controlling your fear of failure, and understanding that most of the limits you think you cannot go beyond, are only real in the sense that they are self-imposed.



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