Glen Foster

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Glen Foster aka “That Canadian Guy” ~ Stand-Up Comedian and Entertainer

Glen Foster’s wit and humor proved very captivating for this diverse gathering. His character was quite pleasant and personable, his material very flexible and stimulating.

Sudbury Regional Police Association

See video

Glen Foster is quickly becoming a household name among comedy fans.   Or, perhaps more correctly, a household “non-name”, since adopting the moniker “That Canadian Guy” (a joke based on the idea that audiences often can’t remember the names of comedians they see on television). 

A veteran of the Canadian comedy scene, Glen has been a popular headliner for over twenty five years.   His Gemini nominated comedy special “That Canadian Guy” struck a chord for its hilarious, but dead on portrayal of the conflicted Canadian psyche.  After it aired, he received a flood of congratulatory e-mail, much of it along the lines of:  “I couldn’t remember your name, but I remembered ‘That Canadian Guy’.”

Glen’s comedy appeals to those people who appreciate a more intelligent and slightly “edgy” brand of humour.   His material is mostly clean and always clever, topical and timely, reflecting his own experiences as well as current events and popular culture. He’s also not afraid to inject his own political and often “politically incorrect” opinions and social commentary. It’s all in good fun though, and his intention is never to shock or offend. 

Glen is also a popular corporate entertainer, performing regularly at conventions, golf tournaments and other business and charity functions. He relates well to a wide range of audiences and is able to quickly grasp the basic operation of virtually any business or organization.  His routine usually includes several jokes that are “custom tailored” for the group.

In addition to his special, Glen has made seven appearances on CBC’s “Just for Laughs” and has also performed on numerous other television shows including "The Winnipeg Comedy Festival", “Halifax Comedy Festival”, “The Mike Bullard Show”, and “Comedy at Club 54”. He can also be heard frequently on CBC Radio’s “The Debaters” and he has released two CDs and a concert DVD entitled “Shot at The Empire”.

Glen has also been a contributing writer for a number of television shows, and is a frequent guest on discussion / panel programs whenever an informed, but lighthearted viewpoint is required. In 2009, Glen celebrated a career milestone – Twenty five years without a day job!




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