Frank Spadone

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Corporate Comedy Entertainer

"In his short career Frank has already shared the stage with the likes of Adam Sandler, Chris Rock, Joe Avati, Howie Mandel, and Tommy Davidson."

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As a child, Frank Spadone showed his comedic side early in life, imitating people (famous or not) and doing various accents. The real test came when Frank was to imitate his High School principal at a team pep rally in front of the whole school. Would he get a laugh? Would he get suspended? Talk about pressure! As it turned out, everybody loved it, including the principal. After graduating high school, Frank had some difficulty deciding what he wanted to do as a career. His love of photography led him to attend Humber College's photography program. Strangely enough, this led to Frank being a comedian today. Frank started working for some of the top photographers in the country after finishing college. One thing became very clear, Frank had a knack for entertaining the crew on these shoots. Whether it was telling stories about his family, imitating the models, or making fun of himself, Frank always had everyone laughing. Photographers began to hire Frank for not only his photography ability but also his entertaining ability, sometimes at the request of the clients. It was on one of these shoots that one of the models started telling Frank that he should take his comedy to the clubs. Frank began contemplating it. After visiting a few local comedy clubs he decided to give it a try. On March 18, 1997, Frank stepped on stage for the first time as a stand-up comic. He didn't tell many people about it and there were just a few select friends in the audience.

Frank Spadone was on stage for only five minutes, but those five minutes told everyone in the room that this guy truly had something special. He continued working amateur and open mic nights in Toronto, constantly building his material and starting to create a buzz. In less than a year he would perform in his first professional spot.

Soon he was headlining at the top comedy clubs in Toronto and then taking his act to many other cities across Canada. He continued honing his craft, graduating from improv classes at Second City and still takes many advanced improv and acting classes. Frank credits his natural ability to two people: his maternal grandmother, Mama Teresa, who was quite the jokester and extremely quick-witted, and his paternal grandfather, Papa Cheech, who was known for his story telling ability.

Frank Spadone is definitely one of most talented comedians that Canada has to offer. As many great artists have proven that "art imitates life", Frank's comedic style equally reflects that "comedy imitates life". Frank has a unique way of taking elements of his everyday life and creating comical stories. His remarkably perceptive observations of the world we live in gives Frank¹s brand of comedy a universal appeal that leaves his audiences in stitches!!!!!

CREDITS: Appeared at the 200 & 2004 Just for Laughs Festival in Montreal. Has his own episode of "Comedy Now" on the Comedy Network and his own comedy album "My Life¹s A Joke" produced by Joe Avati released in August of 2002. His latest CD was released in Sept, 2004 and is called “The Best For Now”. In July he received a principal role in Mandy Moore¹s Latest film "How To Deal". Appeared in national TV commericals for Tim Horton's, Toyota & Frito Lays commercial with Mark Messier. Nominated in the category of "Best New Comic" at the 2000 Canadian Comedy Awards.


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