Dr. Brian Little

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Personality Expert

The marvel is that while you made us fall about in laughter, you left us knowing that we had heard something quite profound. This is genius.

Canada School of Public Service


Dr. Brian R. Little lectures in the Department of Psychology at Harvard University and is an Affiliated Scholar at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University. He holds a joint position as Distinguished Research Professor in Psychology at Carleton University.

Dr. Brian Little’s presentations explore the intersection of personality, life-span development, and cultural and health psychology, with a particular emphasis on the factors that enhance human flourishing. Dr. Little shares how human flourishing depends on the sustainable pursuit of personal projects. These personal projects can be onerous or easy, deeply private or joyously communal. They may be the route through which we inadvertently discover happiness, and they can also be the vehicle for our own self destruction.

Dr. Little received his early education in British Columbia and his Ph.D. in psychology from the University of California at Berkeley and has taught at Oxford, Carleton and Harvard, among other universities. He has received numerous honors both for his teaching and research.

While at Carleton, he was awarded the 3M Fellowship, air max 95 Canada's highest award for university teaching. He was the inaugural recipient of the Royal Bank Faculty Fellowship in University Teaching at Harvard was elected one of the "Favorite Professors" of the Class of 2003.

Dr. Little's research has been recognized by his election to Fellowships in the Canadian Psychological Association, the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard and as G. Stanley Hall Lecturer on two occasions for the American Psychological Association.

He pioneered the study of "Personal Projects Analysis" as an approach to the study of human personality and continues an active program of research at both Carleton and with the Harvard Personal Projects Interest Collaboratory (HAPPI).

His research lies at the intersection of personality, life-span developmental, cultural and health psychology, with a particular emphasis upon the factors enhancing human flourishing.

Believing that a prime function of scholarly research is to have impact beyond the confines of the university, Dr. Little has given well over five hundred keynote presentations to groups in health, education, technological and financial services.

He still aspires to play for the Toronto Raptors and has a personal project of growing a foot and a half in the next two years.

Presentations Include:

Personalities at Work: Free Traits and Third

Natures This presentation discusses how individual differences in personality play a subtle and vital role in the lives of professionals, their clients and the broader community.

Professor Little illustrates, with practical examples, the effect of personality on communication, memory, learning styles and decision-making. However, he also argues that in our professional work, we are not always what we appear to be. Little rejects the notion that we have "fixed traits" that are "set like plaster." He argues that we have "free traits" and are, at worst, only "half-plastered."

Professor Little introduces his notion of the "pseudo-extraverted" professional, one who is, by "first nature" introverted, but appears to be extraverted by others. This person's "second nature", the result of social roles and training, may or may not be introverted. But this person's "third nature" is of critical importance. Here is where we are most distinctively human and engage in core projects that may entail acting out of character. This can be the source of great meaning in our lives.

It can also lead to burnout and despair. The subtleties of this prevalent but seldom discussed aspect of working lives are explored. 

Professor Little issues a call for a "free trait agreement" in which we will undertake to act out of character if we are provided restorative niches in which we can occasionally escape into our "first natures". Although presented with great wit and whimsy, the presentation is deeply provocative and touches people's hearts.

Communication and Your Client

As Dr. Little will demonstrate, good salespeople understand their products -- but great salespeople understand their clients. Whether you are trying to sell a product, a service, or an idea, selling involves listening, watching, and understanding how your clients communicate. With his boundless expertise and enthusiasm, Dr. Little draws upon his pioneering personality research and teaches his audience how to identify different personality types, and how to communicate successfully among them.

The innovative and valuable perspective provided by Dr. Little will revolutionize your approach to clients. You will learn to evaluate differences in how clients interpret information; to determine what a client needs to make a decision; and to adapt your approach to suit different personality types. This unforgettable presentation will not only show you how to make the sale, but how to build long-term productive relationships.

How to Build Winning Teams

Increasingly, the performance of your team determines the performance of your organization. But how do you ensure you're getting the most from your group? In this presentation, Dr. Little uses insights based on his years of psychological research to help you create and lead teams that perform and excel. He shows audiences how to combine the different skills, behaviours and personalities of their members, reducing stress, increasing productivity, and inviting success.

Through this humorous, interactive presentation, Dr. Little's audiences learn to benefit from diverse personalities. They will understand the different learning, communication, and work styles of team members, and to develop strategies to bring them together harmoniously. Audiences walk away with a new understanding of how different personalities work together. The end result will be teams that perform to their potential and take your organization to new heights.

Achieving Success in A Competitive Environment

Drawing on contemporary research into physical and emotional health, Dr. Little outlines practical strategies to help you and your team achieve success and deal with the stresses of life in a competitive environment. The issues he addresses in his funny, upbeat presentation include:

• Challenging some common myths about stress, poor communication, and personality clashes, and they ways they affect your workplace

• How to combine professionalism with innovative leadership styles • How perceived control affects people's behavior • The latest insights into ‘type A’ personalities • Managing anger and aggression in the workplace

• Building the most productive relationship with your clients

Whether you're dealing with difficult clients, working with aggressive co-workers, or coping with stress of change, Dr. Little will equip you with the interpersonal tools and strategies you need for success.



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