Andrea Holwegner

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The "Chocoholic Dietitian"

"Great balance of information and humour. Great to see a dietitian who does not scold or shame but advocates for the middle and moderation to inspire people to change."

Calgary Board of Education

See video

Nutrition expert Andrea Holwegner is founder and president of Health Stand Nutrition Consulting Inc. since 2000 based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. She has counseled hundreds of individuals including Olympic athletes on the benefits of healthy eating. Andrea is the chocoholic dietitian and believes in eating fully - both healthfully and soulfully.

Andrea is an inspiring professional speaker who captures audiences with a buzz that's better than caffeine with simple nutrition and lifestyle ideas to look and feel your best every day. Her message is not just about food, it's about LIFE and achieving better balance, energy and health.

This dynamic nutrition guru is a regular contributor for CBC News Online and is often asked to give her professional advice for national publications such as Canadian Living, Chatelaine and Today's Parent. Andrea has also made a name for herself on camera, having appeared as the dietitian on the Life Network's popular reality weight loss show "Taking it Off," CTV National News and CBC News Today Newsworld. She's also been interviewed by CBC radio in almost every province in Canada. Closer to home, she regularly provides the 'goods on food' to Global News-Morning, CITY-TV's Breakfast Television and CFCN News at Noon in Calgary.

With a Bachelor of Science degree in Nutrition and Food Sciences, Andrea completed a Dietetic Internship to become a Registered Dietitian. She is a regulated member of the Dietitians of Canada, the College of Dietitians of Alberta, the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers and acts as a media expert for the Dietitians of Canada. In 2008 Andrea received a regional award by the Dietitians of Canada: The Speaking of Food & Healthy Living Award for Excellence in Consumer Education.

In her spare time, Andrea enjoys sipping wine with her husband over a good meal. She loves to pursue her favorite sports of backcountry skiing, hiking and rock climbing in the Canadian Rockies.

Andrea's keynotes encourage a shift in thinking about nutrition and wellness. Her keynotes present a unique philosophy based on years of experience as both a dietitian AND as a diehard chocoholic. Her approach is about living fully: healthfully and soulfully.

She speaks about nutrition for real people, not perfect people. Her message is sure to entertain, energize and inspire you to look and feel your best every day.

Presentations Include:


Sound bites for busy people.

We are juggling more responsibilities and commitments than ever before. We have more work worries, job stress, and obligations that steal time and energy away from our families and personal fun. To help us keep up with the speed of life, food manufacturers are happy to pump out thousands of new convenience, ready-to-serve foods every year to help us cut corners. The fast food industry has set up locations in every community to provide us with take-away food to gobble down hastily. In some cases, eating has become a nuisance and something else to check off the "to-do" list. We eat out, at our desk at work, in our car, and in front of the TV... in many cases we eat unconsciously everywhere but the kitchen table with our families. But does sacrificing time to eat really help us? Hear Andrea speak about the fascinating value of the family meal and what we can learn from other captivating cultures around the world. Andrea will stir up the notion that how you eat is as important as what you eat, and will inspire you to look at eating as something more than just for health and energy, but for nourishing enjoyment and relationships. Andrea's voice of reason amongst a maze of clutter will guide you through a journey of reconnecting with food, trimming time traps, and building a roaring reliable routine that will help you balance the speed of life and healthy eating.

Bite-sized Changes for SUPERSIZED RESULTS
Nutrition for better energy, health and weight management.

We live in a culture of "quick-fix" solutions that attempt to sell us energy, health, and weight loss... fast. The trouble is, buying into a quick-fix won't fuel a long-term solution. When you strive for radical change, set rigid goals and deprive yourself of enjoyable foods, you set yourself up to fail and revert back to your old habits. What if instead of an "extreme makeover" you decided to set realistic goals and learned how to challenge yourself to succeed rather than fail? Andrea highlights what you can learn from the hundreds of past clients she has seen trying to make change. Learn what not to do from those she calls the "stuck-strugglers" and find out the best strategies used by her clients she considers the "shaker-movers." Andrea will leave you with her top 5 places to focus your intention (FYI) and encourage you to consider that imperfect is perfect. Little changes in your eating can have profound changes in your energy, health and weight management each day. If you take nibbles at the big nutrition goals you are striving for, you will get there faster than you think – and be able to stick with them!



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